Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Subject Wise Weightage For GATE ECE

Here is the subject wise weightage of marks for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) for Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE).
This data is analyzed based on the allotment of marks in previous ten years GATE exam papers.
It is to be noted that it may vary year to year and cannot be taken for granted. This just helps us to prioritize the subjects for preparation

Friday, 5 April 2013

MS by research in IITs: Prospects and Future

MS by research in IITs: prospects and future
MS by research program is usually of 3 years in length. An MS student will complete all credits (Courses) same as M.Tech student sitting in the same class. The difference comes when it comes to work after class. MS students will be assigned a professor or can select a professor of their interest to work in his lab with other research students (PhD and other MS students).
M.Tech student have one year of course work and in second year they work on a project, seminar and dissertation. Where as MS students will have to complete course work in first year, during second year they may be asked to attend some courses regarding your area research or your lab area of research and the length of dissertation would be 2 years around. During this time MS students are expected to carryout research and come up with some research papers. You can see tips for writing good conference papers and research journal papers which will really help you during MS program.
M.Tech is a time bound course and MS is a professor decision course as in US. The professor and a committee with whom you are working will decide whether your work worth giving MS degree, which not very difficult to convince them within three year time if you are sincere with your work.
Regarding placements in IISc and IITs, all the students are eligible (except sponsored and QIP candidates) for participating in campus recruitments. The magic is your course CGPA (same as percentage in undergrad but on scale or 4, 5 or 10) and skills. If some company from your domain is recruiting and not allowing you, you can definitely ask them to open for you. If a student degree is yet to complete, companies give them a due joining date and tentative placement offer. Therefore, be clear that they have equal job opportunities as other master degree students. But as they live in a research environment and have published research work and have contacts with professors working in the same area of research they usually opt to go abroad for PhD or research organizations in their area.
If you think you are patient, kind of don’t care guy and have your plans set and don’t go away with others success or failure, you should try this. You will get an extended stay at heaven (for me stay at IIT is same as staying in heaven, for some it was hell too…)
Make you own decisions and stand for it. Don’t care what people will say or what if you are not successful, you will be happy that you atleast tried what you like. Wish you all a great luck with admission.
Hope this helped you understand the MS course structure and Admssion and kind of nature you should have for this.

Monday, 18 March 2013

How to Prepare for GATE Exam and How to Qualify GATE

This post is for those friends who are preparing for GATE 2014 exam. Here are some tips which are useful for your GATE preparation. Hope you will find our tips a bit useful :).

GATE is now just not meant for M.Tech, its also a medium to get job in PSU. Lot of government sector undertakings are recruiting via GATE score. You can have a look on PSU's Recruiting via GATE score

Many students who are going to write GATE exam just wastes plenty of time on Internet in search of material and solved papers. My only recommendation to you is don't depend much on Internet for getting study material. It's nowhere available. Yes believe be! Many sites will try to lure you to visit them regularly for getting stuff. But finally you will realize that its just a time waste process to depend upon Internet for getting stuff. You can't get awesome stuff on Internet free of cost :). So depend on offline stuff like printed material etc.

Limit your Facebook account usage time so that your quality time can be concentrated on GATE preparation. I am not recommending you to avoid Facebook completely. Do visit Facebook so that you cannot miss higher educational and job related updates from your friends as well as pages.

If you are having broadband and really interested in core subjects and having some problems in understanding the concept then you may consider visiting NPTEL so that you can get awesome lectures from IIT faculty members free of cost. This is the only reliable site I came across which can be helpful for GATE preparation.

Start your preparation with those subjects in which you are really interested. I mean cover your core subjects first. Because you already know these subjects well. Mathematics may be common for many papers. If you are not sound in Mathematics or if you are not related to it then don't try to learn it from scratch. You are wasting too much of your time on it, also it may have vast syllabus. Instead of it concentrate on subjects in which you have grip. What I want to say is instead of learning every subject in hurry, just learn thoroughly your core subjects. If still you have time then you can go for other subjects.

Have a look on the previous year GATE Question papers By this way you will have some idea on which type of questions can be asked in the exam so that more focus can be applied on those topics. This will also give you an idea about how twisted the GATE questions are :)

Lot of books are there in the market which gives previous paper solutions. Be careful regarding these guides. Many times they have a lot of errors in answers. So only see the question and have some reference books to clarify the solution which is correct. Or you may try to discuss the questions with your friends or faculty member so that a better resolution can be achieved. Don't trust these guides blindly.

General Aptitude is recently introduced and many people just use to ignore it. Believe me this is the best section where you can get maximum score. Concentrate on it by having some Online Mock Tests already given by GATE 2013 website. This is helpful for you for getting a clear view on which type of questions you can expect in General Aptitude.

Many students use to attend crash course to crack GATE. I am not saying that coaching is must. If possible gather material from Best coaching institutes so that your preparation will become a little bit easy. Because material will have the content in an organized manner. I recommend you to have ACE Engineering Academy material. Of course this is not compulsory. (Don't think that I am marketing a particular coaching institute. It's a fact. Majority of students prefer this material).

And at last but not least while attending the exam if you have any doubt whether the answer for a particular question is right or wrong then please don't attempt to answer it all. Yes, answer only those questions in which you feel confident that the answer is correct 100%. Negative marking will effect your total score if you try to answer the question with doubt. Once again I am saying if you are not sure just leave it.

If you find our tips helpful, then consider sharing so that they can be useful for your friends too . :)

Saturday, 16 March 2013

GATE 2010 Cutoff : IIT Kanpur

Gate 2010 Cutoff at IIT Kanpur

IIT Kanpur GATE Cut off for Direct Admission(CSE)
IIT Kanpur GATE cut-offs for a call to the interview/written test(CSE)

IIT Delhi GATE Cut off 2010

Department of Electrical Engineering  IIT Delhi

CourseAdmission Mode Genral OBC SC / ST / PH
Communication Engineering Interview 800 730 550/430/500
Integrated Electronics & Circuits Interview 825 760 480
Computer Technology Interview 710 675 460/390/370
Control & Automation Interview 775 710 450
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives Interview 750 700 450
Power Systems Interview 690 650 450
Optoelectronics and Optical Communication Interview 710 675 500/360/350
Telecommunication Technology Management Interview 714 714 500
Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management Interview 714 714 500

MTech and Postgraduate Programs at IITB

Post Graduate Programs

Master of Technology (MTech)

The department has a very vibrant postgraduate program with a strong focus on research and development. The number of postgraduate students is more than the number of undergraduate students in EE and the department attaches lot of importance to its Master's students as they constitute the backbone of research and development. The department offers Master of Technology (MTech) program in five research areas or specializations
  1. Communications Engineering (termed as EE1)
  2. Control and Computing (EE2)
  3. Power Electronics and Power System (EE3)
  4. Microelectronics and VLSI (EE4)
  5. Electronic Systems (EE5)
MTech program comprises of core courses, specialization related electives, institute electives and supervised research exposition. MTech thesis enables graduate students to display their skills in performing independent research. It is expected that MTech thesis would result in high quality research publications or patent or prototype technology development.MTech in EE can be undertaken with either of the following two options-
  1. Full Time MTech which is two years in duration
  2. Part-Time MTech which is three years in duration.
The above options differ only in terms of minimum number of credits to be earned per semester and thereby different durations. Both these options are available in the above-mentioned five specializations. The final degree awarded in both the cases is MTech in the respective specialization.

MTech with two year duration

The two year MTech program is a full time program and limited Teaching Assistant (TA) positions are available in the department. Teaching Assistant positions through sponsored projects may also be available sometimes. These positions are called Teaching Assistant through Project (TAP). All teaching assistants (whether TA or TAP) are required to assist course instructors for the prescribed hours per week. TA or TAP positions require valid GATE score in EC/EE/IN/PH/CS disciplines as prescribed for various specialization. More information about GATE including procedures for appearing in GATE can be found here.Employees working in the industry or teachers of universities/colleges, who are sponsored full time by their respective organizations, can also apply for full time MTech program. All such persons are required to satisfy minimum working/professional experience of 2 years. Detailed eligibility conditions in terms of academic qualifications and experiences for the above program can be found here

MTech with three year duration

Sponsored staff, employees working in IIT Bombay either as permanent staff (IS) or employed in sponsored research projects as Project Staff (PS) and Research Assistant (RA) are eligible for part time 3 year MTech program. Except RA, all others, sponsored staff, institute's permanent staff, and project staff require minimum working/professional experience of 2 years before they can be considered for admission.

Research Assistant (RA) Positions

Limited RA positions are available in the department either as Institute RA or through funding support from sponsored research projects as Project RA. Both Institute RA and Project RA may be required to have valid GATE score in EE/EC/IN/PH/CS as prescribed for various specializations. However, selection to such positions may give more weight to specific skill-set required for their profiles.Institute RAs are assigned duties in various teaching laboratories of the department like basic electronics, microprocessors, analog and digital circuits, machines and electrical drives etc. The primary function of RA is to work with Professor in-charge of the respective laboratory for day to day functioning of the lab including maintenance of the equipments, system administration and organizing experimental set-up. Institute RAs may also be assigned any other academic or administrative duties related to conduct of examinations, admissions process etc by the Head of the department. Project RAs are assigned duties in sponsored research projects being undertaken in the department by various faculty members. The primary function of Project RA is assist the Professor in-charge or Principal Investigator of the respective project either on a research project or any academic or administrative work related to the project. Normally, it is expected for a Project RA to carry out his/her research as part of his/her MTech thesis in the same project/faculty. Both Institute RA and Project RA are expected to spend about 20 hours per week towards their assigned duties of RA in addition to working towards fulfillment of academic requirements of MTech.Detailed eligibility conditions in terms of academic qualifications and experience for various positions as described above can be found hereMore details about MTech program and the related rules and regulations can be found here

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program is a flagship program of the department's research. All PhD scholars contribute in a significant way to the research activities of the department. Students after graduating with a PhD degree from EE department are expected to play leadership roles in research and development in various disciplines of EE either in industry or in academic institutes.PhD Programs are available in all five specializations as mentioned above for MTech.

Requirement for successful completion of PhD

PhD program comprises of course work for prescribed credits with a minimum prescribed performance and a research dissertation reflecting original and independently performed research contributions in the respective area.
In Electrical Engineering department, all admitted students are required to successfully complete PhD qualifier examination after completing the prescribed course work. PhD candidacy is confirmed only after the student has been declared successful in qualifier examination. PhD thesis is expected to result in high quality publications in peer reviewed international journals and conferences with a minimum of one journal and one conference paper publication before the thesis can be submitted for review.Eligibility conditions for PhD program in EE can be found here

Funding support for PhD

Limited Teaching Assistant (TA) positions are available in the department. Teaching Assistant positions through sponsored projects may also be available sometimes. These positions are called Teaching Assistant through Project (TAP). All teaching assistants (whether TA or TAP) are required to assist course instructors in grading, conducting tutorial and examinations etc for the prescribed hours per week. PhD scholars getting support as TA or TAP may also be assigned any academic or administrative duties related to various activities of the department such as admissions, examinations duty etc by the Head of the department.
Project Research Assistant positions may also be available through sponsored research projects being undertaken by faculty members of the department. Normally, research work leading to PhD may be closely related to the objectives of the respective project.If you are interested in enquiring a position available with a faculty member in his/her sponsored research grants for PhD, you may contact the faculty member/s relevant to your research areas.

Dual MTech+PhD program

Students admitted to MTech program either with 2 year or with 3 years options can apply for conversion to Dual MTech+ PhD program. All such applications are reviewed by the respective faculty advisor and Department Post Graduate Committee (DPGC) and then recommended for conversion. 

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Time management for GATE

Time management for GATE

Time management
is an important component of the preparation strategy for the GATE. Since it is a test of the four years of your study the course is vast. Therefore, it is advisable to start preparations as early as possible. While devising the schedule of study, you must follow the Observe, evaluate, organise, improve (OEOI) model.It will make you a better learner and you can utilise the resources in a better manner.This is how you should go about it.

OBSERVE – Make a detailed observation of your daily activities. This will give you an idea about the time you spend in doing various kinds of things.

EVALUATE – After you have done the observation it is time to evaluate how much of your time is spent in productive and unproductive work.

ORGANISE– Now you can organise your activities according to their productivity. The part that was till now being wasted away in unproductive work can be curtailed and invested in studies.

IMPROVE – The last step is the result of the above three steps. After you have organised your time you can see visible improvements in your daily schedule.

Following the above prescribed model will help you in these ways.

1. You will become focused

2. You will be able to concentrate better

3.You will feel a sense a responsibility and accountability

4. You will learn more effectively

Apart from doing the above you must be wary of some common distracters that may act as spoilsport during your preparation. They are:

1. Watching too many TV serials and movies

2. Excess sleeping

3. Spending lot of time with friends

4. Biking and travelling

5. Spending time in malls & markets

6. Brooding over the result of your preparations

You must always remember that cracking the GATE requires you to be consistent in your efforts. This can only come when you remain focused during your preparation. Though it may demand a little more of your time and energy the sacrifices will be always worth it. The end result will be positive and you will feel proud of it in future. So don’t miss the opportunity. Get going...

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Guidelines for M.Tech Admissions

The following guidelines for M.Tech admissions have been prepared by us considering the information given by previous students based on their score & Rank

Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)

Suggested order of preferences for M.Tech specialization:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.<!--[endif]-->VLSI/MicroElectronics  
  1. Communication Systems.
  2. Computer Science if interested Strongly recommended in the present day industrial scenario.
  3. Digital Electronics
  4. Systems & Signals
  5. Instrumentation & Controls
  6. Interdisciplinary courses like Satellite Technology, Internet Science, Aerospace, Management, Industrial Engineering ( NITIE – Bombay)
    • The selection will be generally based on the score/Rank obtained in GATE.
    • * In open category the possibility to get the above specializations based on the ranks, will be generally as follows.
* Rank Below – 200 : Communication Systems, VLSI / Micro Electronics in IITs.
* Rank between 200 – 300 : Communication Systems, VLSI / Micro Electronics… (With interview in IITs).
* Rank between 300 – 600 : The remaining specializations (S.No. 3 to 6) in IITs and all the above specializations inNIT’s and Other premier Colleges like BHU, ANNAUniversity Collegeetc., (with interview and written test).
* Rank between 600 – 900 : Other Universities like JNTU, Osmania etc. (With written and Interview).
* Rank more than – 900 : Private Colleges with Direct admission or with Interview.
For interdisciplinary courses percentile will be the main criteria
* The students are advised to apply for more number of Colleges so that they can get
admission in the desired specialization in atleast one or two Colleges. Then the students
can decide to join the appropriate College.

Premier Institutes, in the order of preference :

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.<!--[endif]-->IISc, Bangalore
  1. IIT, Bombay / Kanpur / Madras / Delhi / Kharagpur / Roorkee / Gowhati
  2. IIIT, Hyderabad (
  3. NITs : Warangal / Suratkal / Tirichy / Calicut etc…..
  4. BHU, Pondicherry university, BITs, Pilani, Anna University, PSG, Coimbatore, Anna University,Rurkela etc…
  5. Other colleges

Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE)

. Suggested order of preferences:
  1. VLSI / Micro Electronics
  2. Electronic Design & Technology (Chip Design)
  3. Computer Science Engineering, if interested. Strongly recommended in the present day industrial scenario.
  4. Systems & Signals
  5. Digital Electronics
  6. Instrumentation & Controls
  7. Aerospace Engineering
  8. Power System Operation & Control (PSOC)
  9. Power Electronics (Machine Drives)
  10. Power Systems
  11. High Voltage Engineering (Only IISC)

Premier Institutes, in the order of preference

  1. IISc, Bangalore
  2. IIT, Bombay / Kanpur / Madras / Delhi / Kharagpur / Roorkee / Gowhati
  3. IIIT, Hyderabad (
  4. NITIE ( Mumbai) : PGD in Management
  5. NITs : Warangal / Suratkal / Tirichy / Calicut etc…..
  6. BHU, BITs, Pilani, AnnaUniversity, PSG, Coimbatore, Anna University, etc…
  7. Other University Colleges……


PSUs recruiting through GATE'13

With public sector undertakings giving prominence to GATE scores, the prospects for engineering graduates just got bigger and better, writes Abhijit Chaudhari, Director, GATEFORUM. Read on to know what course you must pursue and how it can add value to your career.
To most of us, the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is a mere entrance test for admission to post graduate programmes in Engineering and Science at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indian Institutes of Technology, National Institutes of Technology and other engineering colleges in India.
However, with many Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) now recruiting through the GATE, the prospects are getting better for many science and engineering graduates in the country.

This means that while a GATE score was earlier the ticket to masters' programs in reputed institutes, it is now also a gateway to cushy PSU jobs.

You can find the list of PSUs recruiting through GATE'13 in the box below:


Saturday, 9 March 2013

About GATE

About GATE
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in Engineering and Technology. The GATE score of a candidate reflects a relative performance of a candidate. The score is used for admissions to post-graduate engineering programmes (eg. M.E., M.Tech, direct Ph.D.) in Indian higher education institutes with financial assistance provided by MHRD and other Government agencies. The score may also used by Public sector units for employment screening purposes.

Financial Assistance

A valid GATE score is essential for obtaining a financial assistance during Masters programmes and in some cases during direct Doctoral programmes in Engineering/Technology/Architechture, and Doctoral programs in relevant branches of Science in an Institution supported by the MHRD or other Government organizations. To avail the financial assistance (scholarship), the candidate must first secure admission to a programme in these Institutes, by a procedure that could be different for each institute. Qualification in GATE is also a minimum requirement to apply for various fellowships awarded by many Government organizations.
However, candidates with a Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology/Architecture may seek admission to relevant Doctoral programmes with scholarship/assistantship without appearing in the GATE examination.


GATE is administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordination Board (NCB) – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. The GATE Committee, which comprises of representatives from the administering institutes, is the sole authority for conducting the examination and declaring the results.
GATE is conducted through the constitution of eight zones. The zones and the corresponding administrative institutes are:
Zone-1: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Zone-2: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Zone-3: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Zone-4: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Zone-5: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Zone-6: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Zone-7: Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Zone-8: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee